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The RamJam Engine is a game/rendering engine for learning and personal showcase purposes only. I've been really impressed by all the next-gen engines, such as Frostbite, CryEngine or Unreal over the years that I have decided to go further into 3D graphics and build my own engine from scratch. I've been working on it for the past few months now.


The RJE is coded in C++ and uses DirectX 11 features (especially compute shaders).

The two major features of the RJE are

- Tiled Deferred Rendering

- Sample Distribution Shadow Mapping.


I'm using an Nvidia GPU so in order to debug and profile my GPU I used NSight Visual Studio Edition.

RamJam Engine (RJE)

Tiled Deferred Renderer with MSAA

Sample Distribution Shadow Mapping

CPU & GPU Profiler

RJE features

Tiled Deferred rendering allows to put thousands of light in the scene while keeping a decent framerate in a high poly scene (about 3 millions polygons) and supporting hardware MSAA.
Sample Distibution Shadow Mapping is a modern technique of shadow mapping that greatly improves the quality of shadows.
Filtering and soft shadowing is supported via EVSM.
I've made a simple CPU & GPU profiler in order to have informations on the performance and cost of each part on the engine.

Normal Mapping

Frustum Culling

Simple Scene Editor

In order to "play" with models and values at runtime I made a command line tool and integrated AntTweakBar to my engine.

Playing With Spheres

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